| The influence of gravitation on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation and on the electromagnetic properties of atoms


In this Webpage the foundations of a new vision for the fabric and construction of the Universe are presented – these are some of the ideas presented in Einstein’s publications and the existing experimental evidence, which proves to be not “unexpected”, and “unexplainable” results, but a logical consequence of a factual understanding of the physical reality in the Universe. The primary importance of the measurement units is the starting point for the given analysis of the influence of gravitation on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in vacuum and on the electromagnetic properties of atoms. On the base of the definitions of the measurement units in the SI-system is shown how they change in the gravitational field in the regions with uniform, stronger, and weaker gravitation.

(A model is a representation of something in words or numbers that can be used to show what is likely to happen if particular facts are considered as true. In physics, the model can be made for something that is often too difficult (or impossible) to be seen directly.)

The most important reason for creating something new in science is summarizing the accumulated new knowledge and insights on the accepted theories from a higher-level view. Modern technology and the achievements of scientific thought have already led to the level of rejection of many of the unexplained “paradoxes”, which are actually due to false theories, as is the special theory of relativity. The misleading sequence in the logic of justification of the special theory of relativity will be presented in this subpage, where the article “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” (Einstein, 1905), is analyzed.

In part II of this book is grounded and presented the new “Model of the physical reality in the Universe”, as well as its consequence – “Thesis on the behavior of the electromagnetic radiation in the gravitational field of the Universe”, which actually replaces the postulate of the constancy of the speed of light. The presented model is based:

•  on the genius idea of the general theory of relativity that breaks the view of the absoluteness of time and space, although the validity of field equations for the entire Universe in the general theory of relativity is reasonably challenged in this work;

•  on Einstein’s publications on the influence of gravitation on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation, that get a new meaning;

•   on the existing experimental evidence ‒ the model provides an explanation of all the “unexpected” and “inexplicable” results of the experiments related to the examination of the speed of light.

A future prospect of research may be developing new tests on the basic ideas of the model, such as establishing the increase not only of the frequency, but also of the wavelength of a monochrome light beam high in the mountains. This will be evidence of the increase in the speed of light in vacuum in the regions, where the intensity of the gravitational field is weaker.

If we start with a general overview of the Universe – it is all the space and everything in it including stars, planets, and galaxies. However, in addition to the space with the matter, the Universe also includes an invisible part – the time. The celestial bodies distort the space around themselves and participate in the formation and in the dynamics of the overall gravitational field in the Universe. The strength of the gravitational field is unimaginably different in different places of the Universe, which determines an unimaginably different warping of space, the different density of space (contraction/expansion of its volume) and energy, and the different continuance of the time. The electromagnetic field and the gravitational field exist on the distorted space of the Universe. Depending on the strength of the gravitational field, the electromagnetic field changes its characteristics – the electromagnetic properties of the atoms change as well. In turn, the electromagnetic field participates in the formation of atoms and molecules – participates in the formation of the matter in the Universe.

The sub-pages are:

  1. Again, on the primary importance of the measurement units for the understanding of the physical reality.
  2. Analysis of the influence of gravitation in regions, where the intensity of the gravitational field is uniform (the same).
  3. Analysis of the influence of gravitation in regions with weaker gravitation.
  4. Analysis of the influence of gravitation in regions with stronger gravitation.
  5. The “Theory of Everything” turns out to be a “Theory of Nothingness”.

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