“The accelerating expansion of the Universe” in spite of universal gravitation is the second big blunder in the physics of the 20th century (the biggest one is the “Special Theory of Relativity”).
Just as the “Special Theory of Relativity” delusion is due to the erroneous assertion that “the speed of light is the same for all inertial reference systems”, so the blunder of “accelerating expansion of the Universe” is consequential to the erroneous claim that there is a Doppler effect at electromagnetic waves (by the erroneous analogy with the oscillation of the mechanical waves of mattеr particles) – see “PROBLEM 5: “Doppler effect” in the case of electromagnetic (non-material) waves.”
The accelerating expansion of the Universe is undoubtedly a problem in physics because it is illogical for the Universe to expand, despite the existing and undeniably proven universal attraction (Newton’s law of universal gravitation). Modern physics tries to explain the delusion of the „accelerating expansion of the Universe” by the myth of the “dark energy” (whose nature is inexplicable even for the modern cosmologists themselves), as well as by the presence of an illogically high percentage of some unknown kind of “dark matter” in the Universe.
The problem of “accelerating expansion of the Universe” is solved in the monograph “Accelerating Expansion of the Universe – the Reasonable Alternative”.
Vesto Melvin Slipher is the American astronomer who was the first who reports on the observed shift of spectral lines of electromagnetic radiation (of light) coming from distant galaxies. Slipher’s assumption that the observed redshift “as if caused by velocity, maybe is due to some other reason”, remains valid for modern physics up to now, although, according to Edwin Hubble, the redshift “represents a hitherto unrecognized principle of nature”.
The acceptance of the assumption that the “redshift” is due to velocity (due to the unproven claim that the Doppler Effect exists at electromagnetic waves), is actually a brilliant example of how an unproven assumption is perceived as scientific truth without any experimental evidence! The real explanation of the incorrectly called “Doppler radar” with Schrӧdinger’s dynamic interpretation is presented in the monograph too, as well as irrefutable counterarguments for the existence of the Doppler Effect at the electromagnetic waves.
In fact, the scientific contribution of this monograph is that a genuine explanation (the other cause) of the observed redshift of the spectral lines of electromagnetic radiation coming from distant galaxies is substantiated, based on the deduced “energy-spatial relationship”. This explanation is in full accordance with Newton’s law of universal gravitation, with the astronomical observations, as well as is evidenced by the three dimensions mapping of a vast part of the Universe, and by the analysis of the motion of an impressive number of galaxies by the team of the American astronomer Sandra Faber. Another scientific contribution of this monograph is that indisputably becomes clear, that all these “scientific” hypotheses about existing of “dark energy” and a “dark matter” are superfluous make-believes that should no longer be supported by modern physics! In this sense is the conclusion of Professor Karl Popper that in modern physics “a theory must be falsifiable to be scientific”!
Let’s see the following logic:
1. Atomic clocks tick faster high in the mountains. I.e. the frequency of emitted electromagnetic radiation increases in regions of lower gravitational field intensity.
2. The shift of hydrogen spectral series in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted on the surface of nearby stars is the same – regardless of the size (the mass) of the star. I.e. although the frequency of the emitted electromagnetic radiation is different due to the different strengths of gravity on the surface of different stars, it always arrives at the surface of the Earth as if it had been emitted at the surface of the Earth.
Conclusion 1 (the case of static Universe):
• The frequency of the emitted electromagnetic radiation is in full synchrony with the intensity of the gravitational field at the location of the radiation.
• The frequency of the propagating electromagnetic radiation changes in full synchrony with the intensity of the gravitational field in the regions through which it passes.
• Thus, the frequency of electromagnetic radiation reaching the Earth’s surface is what is expected – as if it had been emitted here on the Earth’s surface.
Conclusion 2:
• The energy of the quanta is proportional to the frequency (E = ћ.v). I.e. the energy of the quanta changes as they pass through regions of different gravitational field intensities. That is, they give out part of their energy from the space (the medium of propagation of electromagnetic radiation) when entering regions of stronger gravity, and some of their energy is returned back from the space, when entering regions of weaker gravity!
Conclusion 3:
It turns out, that the vacuum (the so-called “empty space”) is compressed energy from the fundamental forces of nature!
(slightly off-topic: The fundamental forces of nature attract every two bodies with mass (Newton’s law of universal gravitation), and compress “the empty space”, which turns out to be energy! The Vacuum (the “empty space”) cannot be set in motion because it has no mass – only the distortion of space moves along with the celestial body. At the moving of the celestial body in the Universe, the intensity of the gravitational field remains practically constant at its surface, where gravity is dominated by the mass of the body itself. That is why, the speed of light in vacuum (which depends on the intensity of the gravitational field in any certain region) remains the same (constant) when the Earth orbits the Sun and moves with the solar system in the galaxy (see the page “Analysis of the famous blunder “Michelson-Morley experiment”)!)
Conclusion 4 (the case of an expanding or contracting Universe):
If during the propagation of the quanta in the Universe the space is expanding, then the quanta arriving at the surface of the Earth from distant galaxies will be of higher energy (at their arrival, the final energy of the quanta will be in more “imparted energy” to them from the expanding space during the travel time). This means shifting the frequency to the blue spectrum (E = ћ.v).
If during the propagation of the quanta in the Universe the space is contracting, then the quanta arriving at the surface of the Earth from distant galaxies will be of lower energy (at their arrival, the final energy of the quanta will be in more “taken energy” from them by the contracting space during the travel time). This means redshift of the frequency (E = ћ.v).
The longer the quanta travel (from more distant galaxies), the more energy will be taken from them –
the greater the redshift!
It turns out (shockingly) that the Universe is contracting!… This conclusion is confirmed by the discovery of the team of American astronomer Sandra Faber:
Mapping a vast region of the Universe, including our galaxy, they found that all the galaxies are moving roughly parallel, like a great river of galaxies, at about 600 kilometers per second, heading towards a very, very large supercluster, super-supercluster of galaxies – a supercluster of real matter. They called this supersupercluster of galaxies the “Great Attractor”.
Yes, the Universe is contracting – and no need for fictions like “dark matter” and “dark energy”!!!!!!!!
Modern physics tries to explain the delusion of the „accelerating expansion of the Universe” by the inexplicable fiction of “dark energy” (whose nature is inexplicable even for the modern cosmologists themselves), as well as by the presence of an illogically high percentage of some unknown kind of “dark matter” in the Universe!
p.s.: Throughout his life, Hubble did not support Vesto Melvin Slipher’s supposition that the “red shift” is “a velocity-like displacement” (a result of the Doppler effect), which, however, is an effect of mechanical waves, but not of electromagnetic waves!
That is the “energy-spatial relationship” existing in the energy-space-time continuum of the Universe – the “unrecognized principle of nature” as has been the belief of Edwin Hubble!
The given final conclusion is that the observed “redshift” actually indicates that the Universe is in a stage of “accelerating contraction”, which is actually proven by the team of the American astronomer Sandra Faber. This is the undeniable argument that the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics should have been awarded to Professor Sandra Faber and her colleagues:
“for the discoveries proving that the Universe is at a contracting stage towards the region of global attraction of the Universe (called “the Great Attractor”) and that this contraction is accelerating due to the increase in the incoming matter in that region of the global attraction, and due to the decrease in the distance of the moving galaxies towards this region”.
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