The problems in physics are created by the scientists themselves and are surrounded by their guardians. When they do not find scientific arguments against evidence of untenability from a scientific standpoint, instead of discussing a misconception – they react with SILENCE. In fact, it is because they probably feel that their whole life will turn out to be a waste of time … However, honesty requires moving to the side of truth because progress in science cannot be stopped.
That is a website that touches the eternal theme exciting the thought of mankind for centuries – about the time and space, about the fabric of the Universe. With the General Theory of Relativity, Einstein changed the notion about the absoluteness of time and space. This absoluteness is formed by the “local” existence of mankind in a region of a constant intensity of the gravitational field (on the surface of the planet Earth).
On one hand, all the experiments confirm that the laws of classical mechanics and the relativity of Galileo are irrefutably valid in the local time-spatial region of our existence. On the other hand, the monograph “The Special Theory of Relativity – the Biggest Blunder in Physics of the 20th Century”© presents a “new model of uncertainty of the Universe” ‒ a new global vision of the physical reality in the Universe, where the difference of the intensity of the gravitational field is unimaginably big and “the uncertainty” exists not only at “the quantum level”, but also at the “macro-level of the Universe”.
One can say that the main keyword of the monograph is “awareness”: The awareness that, in fact, (1) the primary physical constants are our units of measurement we have accepted; and the awareness that (2) the units of measurement defined through the characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation are floating and depend on the intensity of the gravitational field (because the characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation depend on the intensity of the gravitational field). Therefore, the fundamental physical constants are floating too – they differ in the regions with different intensity of the gravitational field. I.e., the fundamental physical constants change in synchrony with the change of the intensity of the gravitational field in the global physical reality of the Universe. As a consequence of the fact that the laws of physics remain the same, it follows, however, that the obtained numerical values of the changed physical constants remain the same in regions with different intensity of the gravitational field (as a result of the measurement with the changed measurement units)…, despite the reality that the physical constants are also changed.
In other words, in the monograph is shown that the “fundamental” physical constants (like the speed of light in vacuum), are only local physical constants, and they are not constants for the global physical reality of the Universe, which was proven experimentally by the American astrophysicist Irwin I. Shapiro in 1964. And other experiments confirm too, that all the physical constants actually turn out to be only “local constants”.
Another “awareness” with key importance lies in the answer to the question: “What is the difference between the mathematical equations and the equations of theoretical physics?”. As a result of that “awareness” follows the logical conclusion that the field equations of the General relativity cannot be valid in the scope of the entire Universe.
The rejection of the existing misconceptions and acceptances in contemporary physics will cause other breakthroughs in physics and will open a new future of physics and cosmology, without “paradoxes” and “unexpected” and “inexplicable” results of experiments. One of these misconceptions, for example, is the acceptance of “the existence of the Doppler effect at the propagation of electromagnetic waves”, which led to erroneous conclusions, such as “the accelerated expansion of the Universe” despite the universal gravitation, and the so “high percentage of dark matter in the Universe” …
The initial decisions on the proposed discussion topics (problems in physics) are presented on the relevant sub-pages:
Problem 1: The constancy of the speed of light.
Problem 2: The Special Theory of Relativity.
Problem 3: The incorrectness of the EFE in the General Theory of Relativity.
Problem 4: Gravitational Redshift – the acceptance by modern physics.
Problem 5: “Doppler effect” in the case of electromagnetic (non-material) waves.
Problem 6: The dark matter in the Universe – about the mathematically calculated a high percentage presence.
Problem 7: The accelerated expansion of the Universe in spite of the universal
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